Archive for June, 2011

June 15, 2011

Jumping In

I have never been a wader. What’s a wader, you ask? Waders are the people who put one centimeter of their body in the water at a time until they are finally, and some undetermined and distant point in the future, swimming. I will walk along for a little bit, realize that yes, the water is cold, as I had anticipated. What’s at the bottom? Who knows. But if I am already this far in, forget it. Go big or go home.  And then I jump. Now for those of you who know me really well or have worked at camp with me, you know I don’t actually enjoy swimming very much, but bear with me for the analogy.

I have been part of The Harbor, my fantastic church on the North Shore for the last few years. I never really had a “wading” period, I jumped in pretty quickly. But I am seeing now that there is a next step, and a step after that, and one after that. If I am going to jump all in with Jesus and not just wade cautiously about in the life He has for me, I need to commit my entire being to being like Him, following Him, and loving Him.

Thus, my decision to do the Navigate Training School with The Harbor. Navigate is, in short, a small group on steroids. Essentially, a group of people come together for at least a year to live intentionally together and grow in their walk with Jesus through service, teaching, and community. Will it be hard? Yes. What’s at the bottom of this, what does God have for me though it? Who knows. But I’m this far in, and I think it’s time to just go for it.

I am sitting in my living room as I write this, about to go meet with the rest of the church at the one and only Family Dollar parking lot to see off this year’s Navigate class for their missions trip to India. I am excited to see what God does through them and strangely aware, that if all goes according to plan, this could be me next summer.

So Jesus? Prepare me. Mold me. Make me more like you. I am all in.